Hi, I’m Ro

I’m a Marketing coach who cares about growing your business as much as you do.

I have a soft spot for scalable & organic growth, email marketing, MRR (Monthly Recurring Revenue), and pizza 🍕 of course.

Growing up in a tiny village in the countryside in Portugal I had ZERO business or money role models (let alone successful female role models).

Even Portugal (now all glamorous and on the cover of all travel magazines) at that time was a very depressing place. We (Portuguese) always felt last in Europe and behind all other countries.

But I was blessed with a wonderful family and parents who valued education.

Even with some financial struggles (I have 3 siblings and money was always short) - my parent’s main goal in life was to ensure that we’d all get a degree.

And we all did!

  • It all begins with a vision. Maybe you want to retire at 40 and travel the world. Maybe you want to own a multimillion company. Maybe you want a beautiful house in Greece and to live a quiet life with your family.

  • Now you need to break down your vision into year goals and then break this down again into monthly objectives. This is a simplified formula to build your marketing strategy and plan your life.

  • And now you need to execute your plan and grow your business.


I now aspire to be THAT female role model I didn’t get.

I want to help women (and men!) build successful businesses and show them how it’s done with the lessons from my own business and the 10 years of experience building marketing departments and teams.

I believe in the power of community and inspiring leadership.

I'm doing this because I want to be the “engine” driving more women to thrive in business.

What I value

🤗 Caring

🛠️ Resourcefulness

🚀 Growth Mindset

🏃🏻‍♀️ Progress over Perfection

🧩 Problem solving

👂🏼 Listening to Customers

📌 Reliability

🧪 Experimentation and Innovation

💪🏼 Determination

❤️ Freedom, Family, Friends

Here are 5 fun facts about me:

1) My husband and I cook and eat pizza EVERY Friday. We started a project called Pizza and Portraits where we invite friends over to eat pizza and photograph them after. We now also co-host pizza events in Lisbon.

2) I co-founded a photography brand (@yourstoryinphotos) with my husband. We love working together.

3) In 2010 I took a career break and traveled around the world for 9 months. My eldest kid was the “present” I brought home from that trip 🤗.

4) I worked as an extra in a Bollywood movie with Shahrukh Khan (IYKYK).

5) I’m fluent in 3 languages: English, Portuguese and Italian and I lived in 3 countries: Portugal (where I’m from and currently live), Ireland and Italy.

And I’m passionate about all things marketing and personal growth.

Nothing brings me more joy than seeing others succeed in their business, life, and relationships.

My marketing & growth journey

It wasn’t always marketing.

When I graduated from college I started my career working with customers and leading customer teams.

While listening to the customers and their problems I was constantly inspired by them.

I kept thinking about solutions that would not only resolve their problems but also help the company grow.

And this is how I ended up in marketing.

I was lucky at the time to work alongside a Head of Marketing that was open to my crazy ideas and we started testing and implementing a bunch of stuff that massively increased sales.

Marketing is 50% listening to your customer and 50% implementing strategies/testing.

I now have over a decade of marketing under my belt.

I’ve headed marketing departments in B2B and D2C companies. I’ve written and implemented many strategies. I’ve failed multiple times until I nailed it. I’ve smashed goals over and over again. I built, led, and inspired remote teams.

And now I want to help YOU succeed.

You and me: a Growth story?

Denita Richardson, Customer Success

“One of Romana's superpowers is her ability to place others before herself”

Roberto Masala, Musician & Content creator

“A fantastic leader and mentor who provided me with invaluable guidance, advice, and knowledge with a real passion for all things marketing related.”

Pizza Marketing Wine Growth

Pizza Marketing Wine Growth

Let’s meet?

If you’re around Lisbon we can meet for pizza and wine and you also get to meet my gang (those guys on the right).

If not, Zoom might be our best bet so click the button below to reach out.

I’m looking forward to seeing how I can help you and your business grow (and learn fun facts about you!).